Kiosk User Guide




  1. Open your camera app on your mobile 
  2. Point it steadily over the QR Code for 2-3 second and wait to scan
  3. Then a notification will appear. If nothing appears, you may have to go to your settings and enable QR Code scanning.
  4. Click on the notification and you will be directed to the TIKS visitor site to register yourself.



COVID-19 Screening 

This statement will need to be confirmed by every visitor that enters, this declares that the individual is safe from COVID-19 and is not a risk to the site that they are entering. Once this declaration has been read, click I AGREE. 



  1. Company: name of the company that the visitor belongs to
  2. Name: name of the visitor, you can use the first or last name, or both
  3.  Phone: the visitors phone number
  4. Email: The visitors email address
  5. Host: The host's name of the visitor


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