Conditional Play - Pages

When would I add conditional play to my page?

Within a layout, you can have multiple pages and it may be that you have a page that should only show during specific periods - you can do this by adding conditional play. This gives you the ability to set up all of your pages and control when each page shows.

By default, Pages will have no conditional play set and will always be eligible to display. It is only when you want to set specific rules for that page to display that you can use conditional play. 

You can set specific conditions based on: 

  • Time
  • Days of the week
  • Date ranges
  • Weather conditions
  • Temperature 
  • Wind speed 
  • Device connectivity

Examples of why/when you would use conditional play on pages

  • Breakfast Menu Page - Add the 'Times' rule to your breakfast page to only display it during specific times (7:00 - 11:00)
  • Christmas Party Reminder Page - Add the 'Dates' rule to your Christmas party page to only display it the week leading up to your Christmas party.
  • Friday Offer Page - Add the 'Day' rule to your Friday offer page to only display it on a Friday
  • Holiday Page - Add the 'Weather Condition' rule to your Holiday page to only display it when the weather condition is 'sunny/clear'
  • De-Icer Page - Add the 'Temperature' rule to your De-Icer page to only display it when the temperature is cold
  • Safety Notice - Add the 'Wind' rule to your Safety Notice page to only display it when there is high wind speed
  • Holding Message - Add the 'Connectivity' rule to the Holding page of your web-based kiosk to only display when the device is 'offline'
  • Fire Drill Reminder Page - Add multiple rules (potentially 'Time' & 'Day') to only display it during specific times on certain days of the week (Tuesday 10:00 - 10:30)

How do I add conditional play to my page?

  • In the layout builder, go to the overview of your pages, by pressing the grid button on the pages area (top left of the builder)
  • Navigate to the conditional play settings tab. You can do this by either selecting the page you want to add your conditional play to and clicking the conditional play settings tab or by simply clicking the conditional play list on the page summary listing
  • Click 'Add rule' to add a conditional play rule to your selected page(s)
  • Here you can add as many rules as you wish and all rules must be met for content to be eligible to play. Press the 'Add rule' button to increase the number of rules. Simply select your 'Rule type' then fill out the relevant information. Below we have added two rules to only show this page on a Tuesday between 10:00 - 10:30.
  • We can schedule a page to show overnight, by also using the 'Times' and 'Days' rules. We have to select the 'Include next day if has overnight time rule' otherwise the page will only show up until midnight. We simply set the times and select the day(s) we want the overnight schedule for. If you want to show the page on a Wednesday overnight, we dont select Thursday. (otherwise the page will also show Thursday overnight)

Once your rules have been set, you will see them on your page summary. It will also show if the page will/will not show depending on the rules set (based on the device/browser you are using to build the layout content at that time). In the image below, you can see BOTH of the page rules have not been met (indicated by a ( ! )next to time, (✓) next to date) and therefore this page will not be eligible to play. 

To remove a rule, simply click the 'x' button to the right of the rule you wish to remove.

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