Conditional Play - Zones

Why use conditional play on zones?

Conditional play is used to set rules for when content in a layout is eligible to be shown. This feature gives you the ability to make sure the correct content is being displayed at the right time and reactive to real world conditions.

By default, Zones will have no conditional play and will always be eligible to display. It is only when you want to set specific rules for that zone to display that you can use conditional play. 

You can set specific conditions based on: 

  • Time
  • Days of the week
  • Date ranges
  • Weather conditions
  • Temperature 
  • Wind speed 
  • Device connectivity
  • Room booking

Example of why/when to use conditional play on zones

  • Good morning zone - If you had a zone with a good morning messages you could add the 'Times' rule to only show it during the morning.
  • Half term notice zone - May have some information regarding half term clubs that you could add the 'Dates' rule to, so it only shows leading up to/ during half term.
  • Match information zone - If you had a zone regarding a sports match you could add the 'Day' rule to only show it on the day of the match.
  • Sledge promo zone - A zone with a promotion for Sledges could have the 'Weather condition' rule added to it to only display when the weather condition is 'snow/sleet'
  • Stay hydrated notice zone - Display your 'drink more water' notice when the temperature rises by adding the 'Temperature' rule to your zone.
  • Harbour & Beach zone - Display advisories / warnings to sailors and beach goers when there are high wind speeds by adding the 'Wind' rule to your zone
  • Client logo zone - Show a zone with the clients logo when their meeting is in progress by adding the 'Room Booking' rule to your zone.
  • Offline image zone - Show your offline image when your device goes offline to replace a widget that requires an internet connection by adding the 'Connectivity' rule to your zone.
  • Hot chocolate videos zone - Display your hot chocolate videos during the morning when the temperature is low by setting 'Times' & 'Temperature' rules to your zone.

How do I add conditional play to my zones?

  • In the layout builder, select the zone(s) you wish to add your rules to.
  • Navigate to the 'Conditional Play' option for that zone in the zone options panel (right side of builder).
  • Click 'Add rule'
  • Choose your rule type and enter in the relevant information
  • You can add multiple rules to your zone but ALL rules must be met for the zone to show.

Once you have set your rules, you will see if the zone will/will not show depending on the rules set (based on the device/browser you are using to build the layout content with at that time).

You will also see that the zone will display how many conditions have been set on that zone.

To remove a rule, simply click the 'x' button to the right of that rule.

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