What are the edit site location options?
- Site name: Name of your new Site Location.
- Address: Typing in the address will automatically locate the address on the map within the image below.
- Search: Click search to find the address.
- Record Administrators: Where you can populate one or many (comma separated) email addresses. When populated, those addresses will be the ones who receive emails on behalf of the client from the 'Records' module to approve/decline submissions..
- Location User Types: Indicate if you are a Visitor, Contractor or Staff.
- Checkboxes: Select the checkboxes for the configurable settings - Inductions, Print, Email, Photo Site Location Active, Visitor Approval Process enabled. If you select to have inductions on, you will see a drop-down menu appear, this menu allows you to select how long the induction will be valid for.
- Current Timezone: Indicate what time zone you are in.
- Date Format: Enter the date in DD/MM/YYYY
- Save: Once you have filled out the relevant fields, select the coloured Save button. Once successfully saved, the new Site Location will appear in the list.