What filtering options are there for reporting?

The following will outline the filtering option for reporting. You can use one, some or all of these filters to refine your reporting.


1. Name: name of the visitor, you can use the first or last name, or both.
2. Company: name of the company that the visitor belongs to.
3. Visiting: name of the person the visitor is visiting.
4. From date: sets the ‘from’ date parameter, if you don’t set this it will use the current date.
5. To date: sets the ‘to’ date parameter, if you don’t set this it will use the current date.
6. Visitor type: you can select ‘Visitor’, ‘Contractor’, ‘Staff’, or ‘VIP’ from the drop-down, we will go into more detail regarding these user types later in the user guide.
7. On site: you can either select ‘All of the above’, ‘On Site’, ‘Pre Registered’ or ‘Signed Out’ from the dropdown menu. This refers to whether the visitor is still on site or the other visit statuses.
8. Site Induction status: you can either select ‘valid induction’ or ‘invalid induction’ from the dropdown menu.

Additional fields may include the following:


  • All Temperatures: You can select from All, Abnormal and Normal temperatures
  • Equipment: you can select by equipment type
  • Equipment Status: you can select by equipment status

Select the options you wish to filter by and then select "filter" to apply the filters.

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